One really nice thing about working in a small district is that you get to know so many of the students and staff. Last week I got booked for a grade 6 class ahead of time, so when I was in the school TOCing another day I was able to ask the teacher ahead of time if there was anything she wanted me to prepare for that day. She mentioned that they would be working on symmetry. She was heading into a meeting when I went by to see her so she didn't have much time to chat but I said I'd look for a good symmetry lesson. I knew I didn't have much in my files or books on symmetry, so I was excited to go to my computer and look for a new idea. I started with Pinterest but did not find much so I started looking on Teachers Pay Teachers, and found a free powerpoint that I thought was very good. So I downloaded it onto my macbook and packed it with me hoping I'd be able to use a projector. I knew they had some macs at the school so I thought it was very likely I'd be able to get the powerpoint to work. I did not have an adaptor for my mac at home (but I plan on buying one so that I'll be able to use my mac with any projector at any school). Luckily the school had a mac adaptor I was able to use, and the principal took time out of his busy day to hook it up. I cannot figure out how to put the powerpoint onto my blog, but this is where I found it: Symmetry Powerpoint. The powerpoint was basic and clear, and helped reinforce what students had already learned about symmetry.